Sample Board 1
Username Points Amount
Sample1 6$100.00
Sample2 5$75.00
Sample3 4$65.00
Sample4 3$55.00
Sample5 3$45.00
Sample6 2$35.00
Sample7 2$25.00
Sample8 1$5.00
Sample Board 2
Username Points
Sample1 6
Sample2 5
Sample3 4
Sample4 3
Sample5 3
Sample6 2
Sample7 2
Sample8 1

Sample Board 1

This leaderboard has the ability to have up to 8 users listed initially, you can award points and even dollar amounts if you are tracking donations for example for a company charity. After your 8 initial users have been added you are able to add more users by adding them to the username seciton. After saving, you can then add points or dollar amounts. Points are awarded individually - one point increase at a time. The dollar amounts can be manually updated and changed by inputting the new amount and clicking save.

Sample Board 2

This Leaderboard, like the previous one, has the same abilities however if you wish to only have points listed (or only have amounts listed) this can also be done. You are able to add 8 users at a time. Points are awarded individually - one point increase at a time. The dollar amounts can be manually updated and changed by inputting the new amount and clicking save. This module is also a great module to use when tracking internal competitive tasks within the workplace as well (lead competitions - who made the most sales ect).

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